Sprint One Retrospective

After our first design review, we knew that we needed to spend some time reflecting and planning for the upcoming sprints. We started by personally reflecting for five minutes on post-it notes coming up with plusses and deltas. Then we went around and explained our ideas and thoughts. A few trends came from this:
  • We liked that, when work was divided, we all got what we needed done, and in time
  • We liked the persistent nature of our team as a whole to pull through and get stuff done while respecting each other and communicating our ideas and opinions well.
  • We need to work on team bonding so that we have fun as a team outside of the classroom/meeting space.
  • We need to be more diligent in our documentation and Asana task assignments so that we can better communicate what needs to be done.

After spending this time reflecting, we planned out our current spring outline and have plans moving forward!


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